10) HR Trends And Some Major Challenges facing in 2022
Biggest HR Trends in 2022 As we enter 2022, changes in how we work, where we work, who we work with, why we work, and the technologies we use are in continual flux. Many of these changes started prior to the pandemic, were accelerated by it, and have become permanent aspects of the workplace. The recent trends seen in international HRM are no exception. Adopt Remote Work Policies While some employees will prefer working from an office, many more have discovered over the past two years that they are happier and more productive working from home. If we don’t offer this level of flexibility, it will drastically impact our ability to attract, retain and engage talent. We’ve seen companies announce their return to office plans and the ensuing backlash from their employees in the media; it is clear that our employees feel that they are more productive without a commute, forced socialization with coworkers, and cubicle walls. Administering Progressive Benefits T...