7) Role of Technology in Human Resource Management (E-HRM)

What Is e-HRM? It is pretty easy to know what e-HRM is from the name. Everyone knows that anything prefixed with an “e” refers to electronics or, more precisely, IT and the internet. Human resource management that uses these technologies to complete various tasks in collaboration with other entities like employees and top management is called e-HRM. The system stores all data about employees. It also has valuable information about the company that employees need to access. The use of web technology is transforming HR the way it never has. E-HRM is not similar to HRIS. While the latter is for the use of the human resource department only, the former is used by all entities in an organization. This technology helps to spread the activities of the personnel department to employees and top management members. It offers more opportunities for these actors to collaborate. It enables human resource departments to deliver a self-service system to employees. This system keeps everyone inf...