3) Role of HR in a Successful Training and Development Process

Training and Development is one of the most important functions of Human Resource Management in any of the organisation. The objective of this Training is to enhance employees’ skills behaviour and expertise by putting them into learning new techniques of doing work.

Employee Training and Development helps in updating employees’ skills and knowledge for performing a Job which at the end results in increasing their work efficiency and increase the productivity of an organization. It ensures that Employees oddness or eccentricity is reduced and learning or behavioral change should take place in a very structured format.  Training development or learning and development are official ongoing educational activities designed for goal fulfillment and enhance the performance of employees.

Difference between Training and Development

Training is mostly short term with a concrete goal that aims at a particular role or job requirement. While Development is a long term activity with goals that are open-ended and ongoing. It focuses on the overall progression of the individual. When a particular role is considered, training focuses on a particular role and how one can develop in that while development focuses on the development of the individual’s skills and knowledge.

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What is The need of Training And Development
  • The training and development activity is required when company revises its objectives and goal to adjust the changing market conditions.
  • Companies often endorse training and development programs to improve the performance of the employees.
  • The HR training and development is needed to set up a benchmark of performance which employees are expected to achieve in a financial year.
  • There is always a need of training and development efforts to teach the employee new skills such as team management, communication management and leadership behavior.
  • Training and development is also used to test new methods of enhancing organizational productivity.

Objective and Purpose of Training and Development 

From the point of view of the individual employee, there are three main aims of training: 
1. Improve the individual’s level of awareness
2. Increase an individual’s skill in one or more areas of expertise 
3.Increase an individual’s motivation to perform their job well 

When we consider the purpose of training from the perspective of the employer, we can add one more objective to this list:  Increase overall productivity and performance

Contribution of HR Professionals in Successful Training and Development Of Employees


1.Building a Personal Connect with Employees

  • One of the greatest qualities of an HR is that he/she recognizes the individual needs of employees and develops various programs to meet them. When HR sits with employees and discusses the challenges they regularly face in their workplace, they feel more valued and motivated.

2.Providing an Efficient Orientation Program to New Employees

  • A good orientation is the foundation of a successful career of employees with their organization. One of the most important roles of HR in the training and development of employees is to introduce them totheir jobs and provide them with competent initial job training. This training involves familiarising employees with the company’s culture, goals as wellas the company’s expectations from its employees and what employees expect from the company.

3.Organizing Ongoing Training Activities

  • There is a difference between providing training to employees and providing continuous training to them. The role of HR is to ensure that the employees get the training on a regular basis to enhance their skills and work quality.

4.Motivating Employees throughout their Career

  • Sometimes the lack of motivation holds back employees from participating in various development activities. HR being a good leader and guide motivates them from time to time and makes them feel valued. 

What are Benefits of Training and Development in HRM?

  • Investing in staff training and development boosts work satisfaction and morale.
  • Employee turnover is reduced.
  • Inspires employees to work harder.
  • Improves process efficiency, resulting in financial benefit.
  • Aids in the adoption of new technology and processes.
  • Increases strategy and product innovation


Simplilearn, (2022) Top 8 Benefits Of Employee Training and Development in 2022 [online] Available from https://www.simplilearn.com/benefits-of-employee-training-and-development-article [Accessed on 22 November 2022].

Surbhi, S. (2018) Difference between Training and Development [online] Available from https://keydifferences.com/difference-between-training-and-development.html [Accessed on 23 November 2022].

Daniels, R. (2017) 7 Objectives of Training and Development [online] Available from https://www.businessstudynotes.com/hrm/training-development/objectives-training-development/ [Accessed on 23 November 2022].

Shams, (2022) Training and Development in HRM: An HR’s Handbook [online] Available from https://wperp.com/102638/training-and-development-in-hrm/ [Accessed on 23 November 2022].


  1. Manoj in this blog explain the major point but HR identifies the learning pace of each and every employee and develops various learning and development programsto let them learn as per their own requirements. A good orientation is the foundation of a successful career of employees with their organization like ways its help for HR

    1. Yes Mr Dhanushka.Orientation serves to assist new employees with the tools and information they need to succeed in the job. It establishes the stage for human resource processes and company policy in the organization.

  2. Training and development aids organizations in attracting and keeping top personnel, boosting morale and job satisfaction, boosting output, and increasing profits. Very insightful article.

  3. But sometimes what we see is organisations have those T&d sessions for the sake of having them but don't achieve the intented outcomes and result in a waste of resources .

    1. Some T&D programs are not in the expecting standard.hence those are result in low productivity and in turn, poor quality of work and reduced profitability of organization. In extreme cases, employee morale can drop or an increase in employee turnover may occur.

  4. Supporting the career development of employees can be considered as a key role in HR. In addition to the facts that you have mentioned, how would you describe the aspects of Employee turnover and retention based on these training and development strategies?

  5. Good selection and you have planned very well your ideas in this article

  6. Do you think there is a relationship between training & development and motivation.

  7. Organizations benefit from training and development by attracting and retaining top talent, enhancing morale and job satisfaction, boosting output, and boosting profits. A very wise piece.

  8. Training and Development have a great impact on retaining and creating a skilled workforce. This can be a drive for employee engagement as well. What are your thoughts ?

  9. In HRM, training and development play a key role. IT supports efforts to achieve business success. this results in stability and sustainability in the business environment.


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